Making a webpage using Jekyll

Posted on: 15 Aug 2022

One of the best things I found on the internet. Basically I was browsing my twitter feed and some random person said “you need to have a personal website. Use this webinar to make it with jekyll.” At this point of time I already had this webpage with my CV. But I realized that I can’t really have nice things like navigation bar or side bar or any other bar in my website.

I even had hard time putting the images in. This was all because my reluctance to install jekyll and rubygems on my computer. I was using github site directly in my browser. So I took a look at this video. It finally looked easy and doable. So I decided to give it another shot.

I used the following commands:

First download ruby+devkit from here. Follow the instructions.

ruby -v

gem install bundler
gem install jekyll

jekyll -v

Then make a directory and open “Mingw64” github stuff.

jekyll new myblog
cd myblog

bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve

Last two commands will be used all the time.

I was able to edit and make pages all along by following these links:

GitHub repo:…)

Finally following are the commands for the git.

git remote add origin

git add .
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
git remote -v
git push origin master

My final webpage looks like this